sábado, 28 de enero de 2012

About gifts!

Hi, today I am going to talk about Christmas and Christmas gifts.
First of all I have to tell you about my notion about this date. I am atheist and I don´t think that it´s an important day, least think that the day is important because then we over-consume and buy and buy because it is the birthday of little Jesus. In any case I give the same gift to my parents and my brothers, as a symbolic gesture since my parents who are believers are always present and is also a regaloneo rich and surprised with gifts, no matter what they are or how much they cost rather as a feeling material fact, maybe something until done by one. When I was younger and it never had money so disorganized that I forgot I always buy gifts and my brother, who is smaller than I was and I was always very sweet and cute gifts. Now I work and I like to see as happy with my gifts that are personal things, because I hate wild neutral gifts that one can give to anyone, I always give gifts J.
But I think more people could be any day gift would not necessarily wait for this special day, while I think the gifts are also needed but maybe if you encounter is a nice surprise someone.
On receiving think it's entertaining but something happens to me at that particular moment, I get very nervous, I do not know how to react, especially if it's something you do not like, because you do not want to lie but wants the person feel good. Well, either way is a very tense moment for me, although I like.
The money you spend on a Christmas present is variable, so I measure both the choice of gift, more than anything I'd rather know it's something that has to do with the person. Although sometimes not so easy to know what to give.

we have to compensation to the land

Hi blog,
Today I am going to talk about environmentally practices. Like the first thing I am going to said that I think that they are so necessary today in the world because whit all the technology advances and the chemical and toxic products that we use the planet is getting deteriorated day a day and the only way to reverse this damage or fail to produce them is to raise awareness about caring for the environment practices. These practices can be learned by both families as schools or educational institutions. For example in my house together all the newspapers and cardboard boxes then let them go to recycling bins. What makes you go taking the habit.
About the bike I don´t use it very frecuently because the distance of my house and the other places where I go are so big  and I have very bad physical condition. But I would like to get out more on bici, I hope someday to live more near to places that I like and to can go on bike to them.
I am not join wth any eco-organisations, I don´t really know why because I like this practices, maybe some day or maybe fist I have to include this practices to my life and then start helping in a broader way.
What is missing here in Santiago is more conscience about this topic and people begin to act consistently and in a way that gives back to the earth and the world what this used so that there is some regeneration and does not lead to overexploitation and end up living in fresh concrete.

domingo, 15 de enero de 2012

About travelling

I really like traveling, in fact if I not been in class I will be travelling in some place of the world, I think that I would be in some part of Latin American. Learning about cultures and about my past. That’s what I like about travelling, impress with all the things that are in the world, and the different of all the places and cultures, all are so complex and nice and I have so much win of know them and learn.
Besides all the history in different countries and within them in the towns I love the ecosystems that exist in Latin America, which does not mean that I would like to see Europe and many countries. But I like to have jungle and that landscapes are green. I prefer warm weather but in any case is not the central factor that interests me, although it is not bad to take a vacation to rest and recharge energies in the sun.
Now just finish the classes I'll go with my family to Peru, so hopefully this time go faster and be there soon, and for much.
I remember many trips, especially because I am scout and 3 times a year we traveled to places where we camped green and we forgot about the time and turn the world for a while. The last trip was the best, we went to Uruguay and Argentina at the time just playing my birthday had a great time! Now this birthday I am going to be in class, but I am going to fail because I'd like to meet and celebrate another year in this field of study and order. Well, I am going to tell you later how it’s going. See you!

viernes, 13 de enero de 2012

About the unhappiest

My article Consists of the unhappiest in children. They tell us that "One in 11 children are unhappy, according to a survey by the children's society" she talk about the problems we face and not allow us to achieve happiness, among which are poverty and distress. Also talks about the hypocrisy of those who appear to be happy without being there and named the nation of Stepford as its chief representative. Who writes the text gives us to understand that she really believes that he perceives the truth and the magnitudes of life can not be happy for his cruelty and says that she thought the children, so it would be more unhappy than shown by the encuensta above. At the same time introduces the theme of the indices of happiness are all the rage in the occupation policy but these are not real, and which can be influenced. But then again the same topic that deals with children's happiness and its connection with the happiness of adults, one thing does not go with the other. Here is where we find its link with the race made ​​that happiness is not individual but rather for something that is sanjo extraindividual to be solved in a more total, covering a whole. On the other hand on the subject of political manipulation could make a big link in the historical theme and its great influence on the structures we have today and we define both as a person.

viernes, 6 de enero de 2012

something about music,,

I think that music can get you to differents states, and this is the esciting thing of this.  Besides I think that music speakes a lot about people, you can know something of them only by knowing wich music they like, thats very well.  Well, there are some music that I hate that is pop music, this is only a thing about fashion and I think that it is a deviant behavior.
I like a lot of music, but I am not a person who is searching about it. I like good music, something harmonic, it could be chilean music, or english or something without voice like classical music. I like a lot violin it excited me a lot! I feel some feelings at it best expresion and it moves me in all way. For studing I like music to, I use to listen Mozart, his high notes wake me up and then I focus beter, i use to hate that music but now I discovery a world in that kind of music.
I think I had always love music because I like my parents taste and they passed it to me. I remeber that my first favourite song was “Ingrata”, og Café Tacuba, and this is a music group that I steel liking it!