viernes, 29 de abril de 2011

Yours is mine and mine is yours

My favourite piece of technology is my brother’s computer. I’m not very attached to technology, so when I want to search for some information I use my brother´s computer. I could use my mother´s computer but it is very very little and I get nervous with it -I have little patience-.  I use my borther´s computer to study or to email my boyfriend when I don´t have money in my mobile phone, and this situation is very very common. 

I have never got a computer because I don´t have the need to.I starting using my borthes computer: At first I had a lot of problems when I needed to use it, because my brother is very careful and he was so afraid that it go to waste. I became very angry when he repeated a thousand times I look after him, because I´m very careful too.
My life without it would be some similar than now, because the object is not mine. But I have to say that in these days is almost obligatory to have some piece of technology to be attached to the society, the university sends you emails, all the information comes to you through internet, and the greatest forms of information are in computers –diary-.

lunes, 11 de abril de 2011

The big of biggers

Today I’m going to talk about one of the most influential modern thinkers of the nineteenth century, a very important philologist and philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche. He was born in 1844 in the village of Rocken. His father was clergyman and he dies when Friedrich was very young. The cause of his death was cephalic disorders, the same disease that his child would suffer.
In 1868 he meets Richard Wagner, his most respected composer.
His first works was two volumes of the book “sprach so Zaratustra“(1883). Where he exhibited for the first time his ideology, as in this passage: “I point the three transformations of the spirit: the spirit to camel, the camel to lion and the lion to child(…)camel says you should, the lion screams I want and the child is innocence and forgetfulness, an initial movement, a source, genesis” Other book that he public and we realize their way of thinking are “Beyond Good and Evil“, “von Human Too Human“, “Die Genealogie der Moral“ and  “Antichrist“.
I choose this actor because I think that all the thinkers of the modernity have something in common, and he most than other has exercise a lot of influence over many people.

viernes, 8 de abril de 2011


I think movies are very well evaluated in the society nowadays because the way that we live today is too fast and all of us need a moment to stop and leave the mind blanc. On the other hand, people like movies because they don´t ask too much about themselves and they need to be represented by someone else.

Now I'm going to talk about a movie of Pablo Sois and Francisca Scweitzer. I love this movie beacause I feel very represented by the main character. She, Mike, is a girl that is not worried about things that aren´t important day to day, she likes to live at the moment and she is not thinking anything else. She have an attitude than I admire, and we can perceive that she fell the emotions diferent tha ordinary people. This movie apart from having my favorite character has a lot of stereotypes of people in this era. Like a boy that is lost in the life and only acts like a machine and have routine lifes, I think that this imagie is very common in this days.

viernes, 1 de abril de 2011

The butterfly in Friday morning

This is the first time here at the computer lab and I don`t understand too much -I`m not so good with electronic staffs- and I prefer the things in this way. As we learned today -likes and dislikes- I prefer to be outdoor and do the things like in the past times, without using technology.
I hope that this class could open doors to me and let me know new blogs with interesting ideas.